I eventually figured out that the problem was with Firefox's excellent Adblock Plus extension. The naming convention I use for the files, "adv###" is considered a sign of being an ad by the filterset I have installed. I am both amused and exasperated by the problem.
Below is one of the images in question. If you can see it, you have no problem. If you cannot see it, then you need to either whitelist this site or disable adblock while you are browsing this site. To whitelist this site, you need to have Adblock Plus installed. Go to "Preferences", click on Adblock Options and select "Site Blocking/Whitelisting". Enter "@@http://www.eskimo.com/~tegan" as the address of the site, and it will whitelist everything on my website. I promise that you will NEVER get any ads from this site (unless they are parodies or reprints of Hostess ads).