Tom Renfrew must paint an action picture of Aquaman to win a scholarship, but Aquaman is busy repairing an undersea cable, and Tom cannot dive after injuries in the War.
Aquaman founded an art college? Of course, one related to marine arts. Fascinating stuff. I wonder what the curriculum is like? In addition to the three previous scholarship paintings, the dean's office has paintings of eels and water plants and sculptures of dolphins and Aquaman.
Major plot hole... Tom dumps enough luminescent dye into the ocean to see Aquaman clearly enough to drop the diving bell on him. Why on earth didn't he just paint Aquaman once he had him visible? Another major plot hole, how can a man who did "lots of diving" during the War be unable to swim?
Finny Friends Report: Aquaman has ramoras attach to the diving bell and lift it away from him. Swordfish rip apart Tom's "portrait" of Aquaman (a caricature with water wings).
Captured/Knocked Out report: Tom traps Aquaman in a diving bell to get him still long enough to paint him.
Quotefile: The Dean and Tom, "The scholarship is yours, Tom -- on one important condition. Within three days, you must submit an original action portrait of our founder!" "You mean a portrait of Aquaman, sir?" "Yes... Each year, the student awarded the scholarship must complete this requirement! You see -- 1947 -- Aquaman captures Captain Skull. 1948 -- Aquaman subdues a waterspout. 1948-- Aquaman attacked by tiger sharks... but your job in 1950 may be the most difficult!"
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