Bill and Jane Wallace have a successful restaurant until their greedy landlord kicks them out of their lease, but Aquaman is willing to help the Wallaces out.
The landlord, Silas Flint, kicks the Wallaces out of their location because he plans to open his own restaurant there and capitalize on the business the Wallaces have built up. When Bill Wallace decides to try to buy another property nearby, Flint sells them a piece of land that's underwater. They don't discover it until after the purchase, when they go to inspect the property. That's when Aquaman arrives, and decides to help them out.
Finny Friends Report: Aquaman arrives riding a sea cow. Whales, seals, and octopus gather the lumber for the new restaurant from wrecks on the ocean floor. Swordfish and sea cows join in for the building phase the effort, with seals hamming it up. Electric eels supply power for shore. A gull gives the inspiration for the name of the new restaurant, The Golden Gull. Whales ferry customers to the restaurant. When the typhoon approaches, sponges seal the windows and blubber fish seal the seams of the vessel, with the assistance of octopus. Whales pull the restaurant/ship under the waves where it's safe from the typhoon.
Cosmic justice strikes in the form of the typhoon, which spares the Golden Gull thanks to Aquaman's help, but doesn't spare their old property. Leaving Silas and his nephew out in the cold.
Quotefile: Bill, to Aquaman, "Aquaman, look! Coming right at our new restaurant... a typhoon! Do something, or I'll be ruined!" Aquaman, to himself, "I sure appreciate his confidence in me... but how am I supposed to stop a typhoon?"
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