Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #48 is resolicited for January to fix the scheduling problems. Starting with issue #46, which should ship in late November, the book will be coming out monthly again.
JLA: Classified #31 concludes the six-part "Sacred Trust" storyline, which involved Aquaman. Whether or not Aquaman shows up in the rest of the story remains to be seen.
Showcase Presents: Aquaman Vol 1 looks like it's going to be a fun package, and a must-have for anyone who wants to learn about the Silver Age Aquaman. It appears that they plan on starting with Aquaman's new origin in Adventure Comics #260, and going up to at least Mera's first appearance in Aquaman #11. The solicit uses the cover to Showcase #31 to advertise the book.

That's what I spotted. Anyone notice or know about anything else I may have missed?
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