Chuck Finn is a fantastic swimmer who wants to become more like Aquaman, but a criminal gang sees potential is Chuck's skills.
Chuck is one of the first to want to be like Aquaman, but he's far from the last. There will be many other people who try to become Aquaman in the future.
The criminals have a decent idea for a job, robbing a riverboat at a point in the river that is apparently impossible to swim across. If Chuck hadn't already written to Aquaman, the plan would have worked. They convinced Chuck to participate by threatening to blow up the levees if he refused.
Finny Friends Report: An octopus delivers Chuck's letter to Aquaman. Aquaman later has fish retrieve the stolen gems and put them in the pockets of the thieves.
Captured/Knocked Out report: One of the thieves hits Aquaman on the back of the head with the butt of a pistol.
Quotefile: Chuck's letter, "Dear Aquaman, I love to swim. I swim to school every day, and to the store. I want to swim like you. Can you tell me how to do it? You are the best swimmer I know. Very truly yours, Chuck Finn. P.S. I can swim across the Mississippi now!"
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