Aquaman appeals to a group of men emptying a lagoon of water to stop before they kill the fish, but when they don't... he starts to help them.
Finny Friends Report: Aquaman originally appears because he's heard that a lagoon was being emptied, endangering the fish living in the lagoon. He gets a number of fish in the lagoon to make a net and drag it along to the bottom to see if he can find what the men are looking for. He rides his sea cow in the lagoon, then gets whales (must be a big lagoon) to spout water out of the lagoon. Octopi holding paddle fish push water out of the lagoon. The whale line up and create a wave getting more water out of the lagoon. Swordfish and sawfish then break the dam when the men who own the lagoon say they need more water in the lagoon. An octopus and the sea cow rescue the men after their barge is swamped.
I'm not sure that Aquaman was entirely in the right in this adventure, as he interferes with the men's business and sinks their barge. True, if they'd simply told him what they were up to and worked with him to help the fish in the lagoon, they wouldn't have had a problem, especially as what they were doing was completely legal. But then there wouldn't have been a story.
Quotefile: Man on ocean liner, "Holy cat, look at that man go! He must be tied to a speedboat or something!" Captain of liner, "No, my friend-- that's Aquaman, the fastest thing on water... and he sure looks in a hurry to get some place!"
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