First up is The Simpsons Comic #134, in which Homer gets into an altercation with a killer whale and...

"Think Homer, think! What would Aquaman do? Fish! I command you to attack the killer whale! Attack, I say!"
Next is the annual Bart Simpsons Treehouse of Horror comic, which had not one, but TWO Aquaman references. First up, from a tale about a mutant fish:

And next up is one of three covers that Bart looks at in the comic shop when he desperately needs to use the restroom:

But the real fun came in the most recently aired Simpsons episode, "Husbands and Knives", which featured comic book writers Alan Moore, Art Spiegelman and Daniel Clowes.
It also featured Bart looking at the Death of Superman:

And the Death of Aquaman:

Note that the two covers are identical except for Superman and Aquaman trading places, logos, and the super-pets. heh. Jack Pendarvis gets a shell for spotting and reporting this one before the show even aired in my area.
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